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| Keynote Speech by IHFD CEO at A-ACC Business Matchmaking Conference - Monday, December 9, 2013Mr. Rafaat Ludin, President & CEO of IHFD, gave a keynote speech at the Afghan-American Chamber of Commerce's 9th Annual Business Matchmaking Conference in Washington, DC, on December 2nd, 2013. The keynote speech focused on the Kabul New City development, which is the largest development project in the history of Afghanistan, possibly in the region. Mr. Ludin drew the attendees' attention to this project, which is potentially the single most promising construction program in the country. Mr. Ludin also described IHFD's dedicated mortgage program, which is expected to revolutionize mortgage in Afghanistan and globally.
The keynote speech was very well received by the audience, as it provided hope for the future of Afghanistan and their investments, particularly in a post 2014 election and NATO withdrawal uncertain conditions. |
| IHFD Sponsors 9th Annual Business Matchmaking Conference in Washington DC - Monday, November 25, 2013 IHFD is a Platinum sponsor for Afghan-American Chamber of Commerce's (www.a-acc.org) 9th Annual Business Matchmaking Conference in Washington, DC, USA, which is held between December 1 and 3, 2013. |
| IHFD signs agreement for developmenbt of 13,000 unit housing units in Kabul Afghan - Tuesday, September 10, 2013 International Home Finance & Development, LLC (IHFD) has signed an agreement with the government of Afghanistan’s Kabul New City Development Authority (DCDA) to develop parcel 1 of phase 1 of Kabul New City, which covers 838 hectares out of which IHFD will develop more than 450 hectares (1100 acres). This development is expected to house more than 70,000 people in more than 13,000 housing units and nearly 3.5 million square meters of commercial space. Houses shall be offered to Afghans in Afghanistan and in other countries with 20 year mortgage programs, which will be launched through local banking institutions utilizing IHFD’s own mortgage platform. Over the next six years, IHFD plans to invest more than $2 Billion in this significant project, which will help to employ tens of thousands of Afghans and provide work opportunities to dozens of Afghan construction companies.
Rafaat Ludin, President & CEO of IHFD stated that “IHFD has been working on this project since 2006. The signing of this landmark contract is the realization of the purpose for which this company was created.” He reiterated that “We will do what we can to ensure that this project is a success. Our team consisting of giants such as AECOM, CIVITAS, GulfCap Group, Enclude Solutions (previously ShoreBank International), ACI and ARG is evidence of our intent to succeed”. This project is one of the beacons of light in improving the economic situation of Afghanistan in a post 2014 NATO Forces’ withdrawal situation in Afghanistan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4JgVNzuEMc |
| IHFD's Libya subsidiary is officially registered - Friday, July 12, 2013Following initial market study and active engagement with the country, the IHFD's Libya subsidiary has now been officially registered with the Libyan Ministry of Economics. The subsidiary shall be called "Real Estate Development & General Contracting Company" and shall be co-owned by IHFD, its Afghan Partner, QMC, and its Libyan partner, Mohamed Ben-Masaud. The launch of this subsidiary is the last hurdle in enabling IHFD to formally start its invetsment and contracting activities in this north African nation. According to IHFD Presdient & CEO, Rafaat Ludin, "Libya is a critical strategic growth opportunity for IHFD and a wonderful nation to be engaged in. IHFD is proud and very excited to now be able to serve the people of this great nation and to simultaneously launch its African continent operations through the gateways of beautiful Libya". |
| IHFD launches Libya Operations - Wednesday, May 15, 2013In line with its strategic objective to replicate its successful business model in Africa, IHFD has launched its operations in Libya. In partnership with Q Holdings and Quality Management Construction, its two long standing partners, IHFD is set on introducing its portfolio of real estate development, environmental technologies, renewable energies and construction activities in this promising African country. By bringing on board a seasoned business professional to serve as IHFD Libya's Director of Business Development, IHFD is best equipped to soon capture a visible market share. "Mr. Mohamed Ben-Masaud hails from Libya and has the passion and skills needed to contribute towards prosperity of this new and wonderful democracy" said Rafaat Ludin, President & CEO of IHFD. |
| IHFD Signs Distributor Agreement with BioShaft Water Technologies - Tuesday, December 18, 2012 After working together in Afghanistan on wastewater treatment projects in the past two years, IHFD has signed a distributor agreement with BioShaft Water Technologies of Irvine, CA to promote their sludgeless wastewater treatment systems in Afghanistan and Libya. BioShaft offers an innovative, environmentally friendly, sludgeless, odorless wastewater treatment system that has low investment cost, low footprint and significantly lower maintenance cost compared to other wastwater treatment systems. "We are happy to be the driver of a concerted effort to promote this technology in Afghanistan, Libya and the regions around them, thus significantly contributing towards enhancing the quality of life of the population in these countries", stated Mr. Rafaat Ludin, President & CEO of IHFD. IHFD will launch this technology in Afghanistan and Libya to meet the wastewater treatment needs of clients in the areas of municipal, industrial and commercial wastwater. |
| IHFD CEO attends Business Matchmaking Conference in Washington DC - Wednesday, December 5, 2012 Mr. Rafaat Ludin, President and CEO of IHFD attended a business matchmaking conference organized in washington DC by the Afghan American Chamber of Commerce (December 2-4). The conference, which was attended by more than 400 delegates from the US, Canada, UAE and Afghanistan included high ranking government officials including key note speeches by Commerce Secretary, Mr. Raymong LaHood, as well as the Afghan Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr. Anwarul Haq Ahadi. "The Conference was a wonderful opportunity to meet colleagues from Afghanistan and other countries either involved in work in that country or interested to become involved. It was a great opportunity to identify synergies with other players in the industry and establish partnerships" said Mr. Ludin. Mr. Ludin was also interviewed by the Dari program of Voice of America, which received significant coverage throughout Afghanistan and globally. The contents of the interview are provided in the following link: Afghan American Business Leaders meet in DC |
| IHFD CEO attends Libya Infrastructure and Construction Summit - Thursday, November 15, 2012which was held in Istanbul, Turkey, from November 7 to 8, 2012. The summit, which was attended by government officials, national and international corporations as well as persons of interest aimed at providing extensive information about opportunities and challenges facing international investors in Libya. IHFD President & CEO, Mr. Rafaat Ludin, stated that "this summit helped to better prepare IHFD for its upcoming investments in Libya, while enabling the establishment of contacts with credible Libyan corporations and government agencies." This summit will be followed up by a two week visit by IHFD CEO and its partner organizations QMC and Group Q to Libya, during which first steps will be taken to establish a presence in that country. "Libya is a great nation with significant wealth and great needs to enhance the quality of life of its population. IHFD plans to be an active player in achieving this noble goal" stated Mr. Ludin. |
| IHFD bids for Parcel 1, Phase 1 of Kabul New City Development - Thursday, November 1, 2012 As part of its real estate development efforts, IHFD was recognized as the only viable bidder for significant national housing development initiative in the outskirts of Kabul, Afghanistan. Planned within an 838 hectare land in the Deh-Sabz district of Kabul, this will be the first stage of the New Kabul project housing more than 3 million people in the coming decades. "IHFD expects to build nearly 13,000 housing units and more than 1 million square meters of commercial space in this new development. Home owners will be able to benefit from Sharia compliant 20-year mortgage to buy their houses." stated Mr. Rafaat Ludin, President & CEO of IHFD. A final decision on the award of the land is expected to be taken by early 2013. |
| IHFD & QMC sign Joint Venture Agreement with BHCC - Monday, October 22, 2012 In its efforts to strengthen its construction portfolio, IHFD and its local Afghan partner QMC have signed a joint venture agreement with Basir Hashimi Construction Company (BHCC) based in Kabul, Afghanistan. "Through this partnership, IHFD will be able to implement larger projects in more regions of Afghanistan and will be able to to benefit from the extensive experience that BHCC has developed over the years" stated Mr. Rafaat Ludin, President & CEO of IHFD. IHFD continues to build partnerships with other companies to enhance its quality of work and geographic reach. A joint venture with BHCC is yet another step in this noble direction. |
| IHFD Finalizes Pilot Testing of its new Solar Irrigation System - Tuesday, October 2, 2012 In an effort to enhance the access to water for agriculture, IHFD and its partners QMC and QRTDW recently developed a mobile solar irrigation system. Over the past months, this system has been demonstrated and utilized in various parts of Afghanistan to ensure its ability to meet the needs of the farmers for sustainable and affordable irrigation water. Recently the first phase pilot testing of the system was completed in a 30 acre orchard/vinyard in the outskirts of Kabul. According to Mr. Rafaat Ludin, President & CEO of IHFD "this is yet another sign of IHFD's love for innovation and sustainbale development, where local experts design, manufacture and utilize systems and technologies that meet their needs for enhanced economic activity and sustainable development". In partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, IHFD will now move to the larger scale implementation of an agriculture initiative that will enhance the use of this technology. |
| IHFD & SKB Engineering & Construction sign Joint Venture Agreement - Monday, April 16, 2012 In an effort to further grow market share by enhancing strategic partnerships, IHFD and SKB Engineering & Construction of Lahore, Pakistan, have signed joint venture agreement. SKB was founded in 1954 and has a very strong track record of vertical as well as horizontal construction experience. Road constructions, high rises, military building, airports, hydro power dams and other significant projects are among the halmarks of SKB's experience in the Middle East, Southeast and Central Asia. IHFD's President & CEO, Mr. Rafaat Ludin, considers this partnership "a valuable addition to IHFD's team that prepares it to significantly enhance its service offerings and scope of work thus meeting the challenges of sustainable growth over the coming years". |
| IHFD is awarded new contract by US Army Corps of Engineers, Afghanistan Engineering District - Thursday, June 9, 2011 This contract covers the expansion of the Afghan National Army Hospital's dining facility and associated structures in Kabul. This is the second project awarded to IHFD and its Afghan joint venture partner QMC is recent month and both are located within the same complex in Kabul, Afghanistan. "IHFD is excited about this new opportunity to serve and appreciates the trust placed on it by the USACE", said Rafaat Ludin, President & CEO of IHFD. |
| IHFD sponsors Streets of Afghanistan - Tuesday, April 12, 2011 IHFD sponsors Streets of Afghanistan – A Cultural Exhibition which will be launched at the Denver Museum of Art on April 28, 2011. The “life size multimedia exhibition re-creates the city streets of Kabul, the roads of rural Afghanistan, and the people that live therein.” IHFD was encouraged to support this project with a nationwide sponsorship through its partnership with Mountain2Mountain (M2M), the founder and supporter of the exhibition. IHFD has already pre-financed the construction of the perimeter walls of a 5 acre land that M2M has been provided as a government grant for construction of a school for the deaf in Kabul. “The sponsorship of Streets of Afghanistan enables IHFD to continue supporting activities that promote the wellbeing of the people of Afghanistan”, said Mr. Rafaat Ludin, President and CEO of IHFD. |
| IHFD is awarded new contract by US Army Corps of Engineers, Afghanistan Engineering District - Friday, January 28, 2011to expand the capacity of the waste water treatment facility at the Afghan National Army Hospital in Kabul to 150,000 Gallons Per Day. This contract, which is a great success for IHFD and its Afghan JV partner Quality Management Construction (QMC) will enable IHFD to introduce the Sludgeless Waste Water Treatment System called BioShaft for the first time in Afghanistan. According to President and CEO of IHFD, Rafaat Ludin, "this will potentially open a completely new era in how waste water is treated in Afghanistan and can have enormous implications for improved sanitary conditions in the country leading to healthier population". |
| IHFD signs Joint Venture Agreement with Enayat Schneider Engineering, Inc. (ESE) - Thursday, December 2, 2010This agreement opens the way for IHFD and its Afghan partners to implement large scale construction and development projects in Afghanistan and elsewhere throughout the world. IHFD's program management expertise with ESE's design and construction expertise will provide a strong force for good that can be utilized in various projects. IHFD's President & CEO, Rafaat Ludin, believes that "this partnerhsip will help to catapult IHFD to the next level in tackling very large scale projects. IHFD and ESE can mutually benefit from each other's skills and experience and can make them both be a force to be reckoned with". |
| IHFD Partners with InnoVida Holdings - Monday, March 8, 2010In an effort to enhance its product portfolio in line with its overall strategy to support green and environemntally sound technologies in its respective markets, IHFD has signed an MoU to introduce Innovida's proprietory composite based construction material in Afghanistan. InnoVida™ manufactures building solutions that bridge the gap between energy efficiency, affordability and high quality. Innovida manufactures Fiber Composite Panels (FCP) which are used to build residential, commercial, government, military, globally relevant structures without the use of cement, steel or wood and with significant savings in cost to build, time to build and energy cost to operate. Through this partnership, IHFD is now able to market this product in Afghanistan and eventually set up a factory to ensure continuous and sustainable local production. IHFD's President and CEO, Mr. Rafaat Ludin considers this partnership as "yet another step in enhancing IHFD's service delivery to ensure sustainable, low cost and environmentally friendly construction in Afghanistan and its target region." |
| IHFD Awarded New USACE Contract - Friday, January 1, 2010As a follow on to the existing US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) project to design and build 4 hybrid solar-diesel and one solar-wind-diesel power sytems at the Kabul Military Training Center in Kabul, IHFD and its joint venture partners have been awarded a project to monitor and measure the output of the same systems. This is a one-year project aimed at evaluating the cost effectiveness and viability of the hybrid systems to justify the intallation of additional similar systems. In cooperation with QMC and QRTDW, IHFD will provide weekly, monthly and quarterly report and a final report to ensure that the data collected can be consistenly used to promote this technology within military applications of Afghaistan. |
| IHFD awarded new project by USACE/AED - Monday, September 28, 2009The US Army Corps of Engineers' Afghanistan Engneering District (USACE/AED) has awarded IHFD and its joint venure partners QMC and SANTES Klima a project to design and build a 24 tons/day capacity incinerator based solid waste management system with associated infrastructure in Sharana City of Paktika Province, Afghanistan. The project was awarded through competitive bidding and will be completed in 9 months. IHFD's CEO and President, Mr. Rafaat Ludin, describes this award as "a great breakthrough in our endeavors to penetrate the Afghanistan market with environmentally sound solid waste management systems. In cooperation with SANTES and QMC, we will be able to make a significant difference in the way solid waste is managed in the country and open the door for new initiatives also in the municipalities throughout the country." |
| IHFD Presents at the Nano Renewable Energy Summit in Denver, Colorado - Thursday, June 25, 2009 |
| New Website Launched - Friday, June 12, 2009 |
| IHFD WinsTelecom Solar Power Contract - Monday, June 1, 2009 |
| IHFD Signs Joint Venture Agreement - Friday, April 10, 2009 |
| IHFD Acquires Exclusive License - Thursday, October 30, 2008 |
| New Grant Awarded - Friday, October 3, 2008 |
| IHFD Awarded New Grant - Tuesday, September 30, 2008 |